Industrial sites, construction sites, and commercial sites all have something in common when it comes to preventing pollutants from leaving the site, they all need Best Management Practices, also known as BMPs. There are 30 industrial sectors, and one of the more prevalent sectors is Sector AA – Metal Manufacturing facilities. If your facility produces large pieces of metals, like beams, steel members, and other large skeletal construction structures, you may fall into this sector. The materials and how they are processed have the potential to introduce pollutants into the surrounding environment, which is why the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has included this type of facility which requires coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit.
Day-to-day operations at these sites can range from grinding, chipping, shaving, cutting, painting, sand blasting, and material upkeep and storage. All of these operations can produce pollutants such as metals shavings, oil spills, chemical spills, dust, or leaks. These pollutants are harmful to the environment if not properly contained and/or recycled.
There are numerous, simple, BMPs that can be implemented on your metal working site to reduce the risk of pollution. It is advised by the EPA that these facilities should focus on the storage of waste and raw materials and have chemical and equipment storage areas due to the high potential of runoff. More specific examples of BMPs include sweeping floors daily, capturing, and recycling metal dust.
When deciding which BMPs are best for you, it’s important to individualize them to your site’s unique materials and handling process. Some questions to ask yourself are: How big is my operation? How big is my facility? Are there wetlands or any high-risk conservation areas near my site? Is my facility enclosed or open? Where do my materials get stored? When addressing these questions, you can always consult with the individuals at KCI to help with any needs and attaining permit coverage for your industrial site. KCI can assist with defining and inspecting your unique BMPs on your site. Contact us today!