KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Benefits of a Wetland

Beautiful grey heron in the meadow, wonderful bird in nature habitat.

A berm keeping the sediment from the recently cleared lot away from the wetland

A Wetland basically means those areas that are overwhelmed or saturated by surface water or groundwater. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and other similar areas. The amount of saturated water in a wetland can vary greatly. Some wetlands, specifically in Florida, are always flooded while others are only seasonally flooded.  Seasonally flooded wetlands can remain slightly saturated year-round. In almost all cases, wetlands are supported through-out the year with hydrophytic vegetation, reeds, grasses, and life.

The Florida Everglades, considered a wetland, is one of the largest continuous freshwater marshes in the entire world and covers over 4,200 square miles. Wetlands come with a great benefit during Florida’s wet warm season and helps control flooding by slowly releasing flood waters naturally. A wetland, being an area considered between dry land and a waterway provide some extremely important benefits.

Florida wetlands are a paradise for special plants and unique bacteria that are known as hydric soils. Wetlands are considered a valuable biodiverse ecosystem and unfortunately often disregarded as a waste of land. Florida is a wonderland of biodiversity and an ecosystem worth protecting and wetlands are a critical component to the state’s ecosystem.

Taking a look at NOAA’s information from the Office for Coastal Management; From 1996 to 2016, “there was a 19 percent increase in development in the coastal regions. Over 31 percent of Florida is wetlands. Ninety percent of those wetlands are freshwater (over 18,500 square miles), with only 10 percent being saltwater marshes and mangroves (approximately 2,000 square miles).”

Another interesting statistic stated by Audubon Florida is the total acreage of wetlands in Florida have decreased by about 44 percent over the past 150 years. 

KCI is a professional stormwater environmental management company. Florida is full of wetlands, which means that construction projects will inevitably run into them when planning out new developments. We are ready to help you eliminate stormwater pollution and ensure nearby wetlands remain clean for years to come.  Call us today at 888-346-7779.