KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Don’t Stink Up Your Construction Site!

Although Portable toilets are not anyone’s favorite part of working outdoors in areas with no readily available plumbing, there is no doubt that life would be miserable without them. You don’t look at a port-a-potty and think, “Wow, I’m sure glad that portable toilet is around!”, but they have several benefits: they are environmentally friendly, they are good for public health, they increase productivity, and they can save you money in the end. This is on top of the added benefit of not finding fun surprises around site from people who just can’t wait!

Here are some benefits that come from portable toilets that you may not have considered:

Although they provide benefits, you still need to make sure that portable toilets are maintained properly so they remain effective. This means using a suitable number of toilets for your workforce, establishing a regular maintenance and cleaning schedule, check regularly for damage and leaks, and have spill response kits on site just in case.

The Florida Construction General Permit does require that sites manage the exposure of sanitary waste to the surrounding environment and waterways, which means that you must carefully consider the location of your toilets on site. The standard is pretty easy to meet – just keep your toilet at least 10 feet away from an inlet. Your environmental professional will generally notify you of a breach!