KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Blanket your site for Erosion Control!

As we start ramping up for the rainy season in Central Florida, it’s important to consider things that may not have seemed like an issue for the past several months. Rushing water down an unstable slope carrying all kinds of sediment into a local stream is one example. It’s that time of year to think of ways to help stabilize areas of your site that may be vulnerable to erosion. Erosion control blankets or matting are an effective way to implement both temporary and long-term stabilization in many situations.

There are many different products of this type available, but the idea is to apply a roll of synthetic or organic material to the troubled surface to prevent either wind or water from causing erosion in the area. Often, you can combine erosion control matting with re-vegetation or seeding to help stabilization even further. Erosion control matting comes in two primary types: biodegradable and non-biodegradable. As with any non-biodegradable option, care needs to be taken to ensure that it is not placed in an area where it can harm any of the local wildlife.

You can choose from products made from things like plastics, bonded synthetic fibers, geofabric, jute or coconut mesh matting, straw, curled wood, or even some types of synthetic and biodegradable combination products. The right type of matting or blanket greatly depends on the application and site conditions with things like slope, channel, and flow velocity impacting your choice. Some synthetic materials can pose a risk, especially to aquatic wildlife. Synthetic materials can last for up to 10 years, as opposed to the 3-36 month lifespan of many biodegradable options, such as jute, coconut, or other natural fibers. Your site conditions will also dictate how the matting is oriented, anchored, and properly overlapped.

Some options will be more cost effective than others, depending on what type of material is chosen, and what type of installation requirements might be needed for your site. The use of proper materials and design will go a long way to ensure that your matting has maximum effectiveness. There are many different considerations that you can take into account when designing the proper erosion control solution. Be sure to contact KCI for more information!