KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

High-level Scope of Stormwater Construction Site Inspections

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A stormwater compliance inspection should be considered performing a snapshot in time of the construction project from the planning phase to the final stabilization. Each inspection can provide a story to the evolution of a project’s performance against minimizing erosion and sediment departing the boundaries of the construction site. The primary mission of the Florida Construction Generic Permit (FCGP) is to help construction sites eliminate pollution, such as contaminants, and especially sediment, from leaving the site.

A permitted construction site must be inspected at least once every seven calendar days and within 24 hours at the end of a storm event as defined in the FCGP that is 0.50 inches or greater. Below is a high-level scope of a site inspection and is required to be performed by a trained and certified stormwater inspector:

KCI is a well-respected and professional organization in the Environmental industry, requiring all employees to uphold the highest standards in meeting the rigorous training, certification, scope of work, and quality of a stormwater inspection. KCI has invested time and resources into building our expertise to ensure our clients receive the greatest of care and service. Call us today, 888-346-7779.