KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Performing Stormwater Compliance and Management

Executing a stormwater management plan for construction sites and industrial facilities is very important. KCI understands the challenges our clients face every day in dealing with stormwater run-off. Water that comes from rain that cannot effectively soak into the ground becomes stormwater. Stormwater has the potential to pick up pollutants. Over the next several weeks, we will discuss the specific steps that must take place to maximize and implement a great stormwater management plan

Before we jump into our series, we should talk for a minute about the importance to have in place an effective stormwater compliance and management program. One major factor in protecting Florida’s natural resources is ensuring Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction and industrial activities are in working order to protect our streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands from sediment and debris pollution. This effort also helps protect our citizens from potential flooding hazards.  Remember, the goal is to protect water quality. 

So, why is stormwater the concern? Runoff from rainstorms can collect pollutants like sediment, oil, and various chemicals and then these contaminants are carried into storm drains that lead directly into waterbodies.  According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), In the 1970’s 40% of all U.S. waters were not fishable or swimmable due to impairments.  The good news is that many improvements have been made since the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs were created for construction, industrial, and various other activities. However, still today, we have the necessity and need to ensure our water bodies continue to remain clean and free from pollutants. 

KCI works with construction and industrial facility operators to make sure they have the proper stormwater controls, or BMPs, in place to minimize pollution risk and protect our clean water and the surrounding environment. 

KCI would like to invite you on a journey to learn more about the key elements to implement and execute a successful stormwater compliance and management plan. Over the coming weeks, we will explore together the importance of stormwater compliance and the rigorous steps it takes to manage successfully: inspections, documentation, site map adjustments, maintenance, and managing the construction timeline.   

KCI is here to help you control and eliminate compliance issues and challenges? Contact us today at 888-346-7779