KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Stabilization Practices

Soil exposed to stormwater runoff on a construction site can cause erosion and sedimentation polluting lakes, rivers, and other water bodies.   When topsoil and natural vegetation is removed or disrupted on a construction site, erosion can occur.   Through proper use of Best Management Practices (BMPs), such as temporary and permanent covers to stabilize soils can be a substantial benefit at reducing the risk for erosion and sedimentation. 

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) stormwater permit identifies many requirements to specific BMPs that can be implemented to help minimize erosion. 

Here are 5 key stabilization practices to implement that will dramatically reduce or prevent erosion and sedimentation: 

  1. Phase the construction project to limit the amount of soil exposed at any given time. 
  2. Avoid disturbance of steep slopes. 
  3. Initiate stabilization immediately on portions of the site if inactive for seven days, including soil stockpiles. 
  4. Stabilize exposed soils of site that drains near or towards waterways. 
  5. Use erosion blankets, rip rap or other covered processes around stormwater flow areas. 

During most construction projects, there will be times requiring temporary vegetated cover or other types of cover until that phase of the project begins. Certain types of stabilization methods can be vegetation, mulch or other cover fiber materials on bare soil which are the easiest and most effective approach for addressing sediment runoff from construction sites. 

Some areas may need extra assistance, so the placement of silt fence can help reinforce a solid vegetative buffer. KCI can assist with planning and maintaining your erosion control plan. We can assist with your ongoing NPDES inspections to ensure proper maintenance is being done to preserve the integrity of your BMPs on site!  Call KCI today, 888-346-7779