KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Stormwater Pond Treatments

Stormwater ponds are designed to retain sediment and waste runoff from developing on construction sites to protect local water sources.  As a result, one could expect the quality of water to already be less than perfect. However, there are several ways to fix water quality issues!

Depending on what you are trying to treat your pond for, you may want to consider some of these treatments below.

  1. Diffusers and surface aerators: As mentioned, an anaerobic environment, or environment lacking air, is harmful to a retention pond. By adding air to the bottom of the pond, this allows oxygen to flow and prevents the available nutrients for algae. Diffusers use an air compressor and hoses to force air into the water. These are low maintenance but are not recommended for ponds that are deep. Shooting water into the air via aerators allows it to fall and aerate the pond in a continuous motion. This also doubles as an aesthetically pleasing fountain!
  2. Bacteria treatment: A pond that have excessive sediment can develop an algae problem. If this sediment creates an anaerobic environment then harmful chemicals, odors, and phosphorus can be released into the water, which algae loves. Introducing certain bacteria can allow for these things to be decomposed without producing harmful side effects and reducing the number of algae in the pond.
  3. Flocculants: Flocculants are chemicals added to ponds to purify the water. They work by promoting sedimentation, which reduces phosphorus and other materials suspended freely in the water. The faster phosphorus settles, the less algae will grow. Although flocculants are easy to use, some require a permit to be put into the water, due to the chemicals that are present in the flocculants themselves.

Keep in mind that although you may be at a point now where you need to treat your pond, the easiest treatment is prevention. Keeping your pond by protecting outfalls with turbidity barriers, and maintain good BMPs, or Best Management Practices, on your site perimeter and inlets can go a long way to keeping ponds clear and free of sediment. For help putting effective BMPs in place, or if you need to treat your pond for sedimentation, be sure to reach out to KCI for a consultation!