KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Training and Education

Educating trade workers about stormwater compliance is especially important. A formal education program is an effective non-structural Best Management Practice (BMP) that will help ensure construction site workers understand why it is important to protect our waterbodies. When construction sites’ operators provide general rules along with effectively explaining the reason, trade workers are more likely to comply willingly. Clearly explaining the purpose of stormwater regulations to various trade workers that may come and go from a construction site will allow them to see the possible consequences.  

When explaining these regulations, it is essential to emphasize their significance and how compliance benefits everyone. If it is not correctly managed and adhered to daily during the construction timeline, it can negatively impact our natural environment, particularly water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans. Having your team attend a stormwater training session periodically can help to explain the benefits and the purpose of stormwater management and compliance. 

Employee training should be an integral part of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). All workers who are active on a construction site have the potential to influence the outcome to a successful stormwater management program. Anyone at the site who are responsible for maintaining tools or using heavy machinery, cleaning materials, discarding waste, and storing and handling construction materials should be aware of how to best prevent contaminating stormwater discharges from the site. 

KCI’s knowledgeable consultants are equipped to provide your facility with training that is tailored to your construction site needs. Have questions about the Construction Generic Permit (CGP) or setting up employee training? Contact us today or give us a call at 888.346.7779 to discuss how we can help impact your stormwater management program.