KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Florida Manufacturing is Big Business

Based on the Florida DEP stormwater permit data, there are approximately 4000 unique Industrial Stormwater Multi-Sector Generic Permits (MSGP) currently filed and active today in the State of Florida.

Defined by the EPA, there are 30 sectors of industrial type businesses that defines the specific permit eligibility requirements.   All industrial businesses that fall within one of the EPAs 30 pre-defined industrial sectors must have some type of stormwater permit. Some of the types of activities and processes conducted on certain industrial sites may qualify for the Conditional No Exposure Exclusion, referred to as NEX.  Required by the FDEP, all industrial facilities performing industrial type activities defined by the EPA 30 categorized sectors should have either a MSGP permit or a No Exposure Exclusion.

Many of the 30 sectors defined by the EPA are comprised of manufacturing companies.  Many of these companies produce chemicals, metal products, foods, textiles, and many more that would likely qualify and require to have a MSGP permit.  Florida is ranked among the nation’s top for manufacturing.  There are estimated to be more than 20,000 manufacturing companies located in the state of Florida.  With only approximately 4000 active MSGP or NEX permits today in Florida, we have a lot of work to do.

If a manufacturing business is subject to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity to surface waters of the state of Florida, the facility is required coverage under a MSGP permit.  Material handling and storage, equipment maintenance and cleaning, and other activities at many industrial facilities are often exposed to the weather and precipitation.

Manufacturing may include such activities, but not limited to the following:

steel bar Steel with holes

Stormwater runoff can carry many types of contaminates once exposed to such activities above. Once that takes place, these various pollutants get transferred to the many impervious surfaces found at many manufacturing facilities and then flows to various inlets that lead to receiving waters.

If you believe you may be in need to file for a MSGP permit, KCI is ready to help you file the appropriate paperwork.  Take the first step to minimize your environmental liability risk.  We are here to help you develop your environmental compliance strategic plan. Call Us Today at 888-346-7779.