The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires that thirty industrial sectors file a permit with the Department of Environmental Protection. Once this permit has been obtained, regular monitoring and reporting needs to be performed at the site year-round. This monitoring checks to make sure areas at your facility that may be exposed to stormwater are sufficiently protected from becoming a source of pollution outside of the area of industrial activity.
In order to be covered by the permit, sites also need to keep a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) book on site. This plan has a complete record of every aspect of the permit and is continuously updated throughout the facility’s lifetime. Some industrial facilities with activities may qualify for an exemption from certain NPDES stormwater permitting requirements if all industrial materials or processes are protected by a storm-resistant structure. KCI are experts at the NPDES program requirements in the state of Florida. We can help you determine if you qualify for the permit. To learn more about the FDEP Multisector Generic Perimit (MSGP), click here.