KCI | Environmental Compliance and Stormwater Management

Industrial Employee Training

Business people are having a discussion

Did you know that the Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP) requires industrial facilities to conduct annual training with their employees?

Employee training is an integral piece of making your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) program a success. Your employees are working with potentially hazardous materials, which if not controlled properly can lead to severe human health and environmental impacts.

Anyone at your facility who is responsible for maintaining tools and machinery, cleaning materials, or storing and handling materials should be aware of how to best prevent contaminating stormwater discharges.

Additionally, employee training should be documented in the SWPPP with the content, schedule of training, and a log of the employees who received the training. Trainings should cover the following:

KCI’s knowledgeable consultants are equipped to provide your facility with training that is tailored to your facility’s needs. Have questions about the MSGP or setting up employee training? Contact us today or give us a call at 888.346.7779 to discuss how we can help tie together your SWPPP program.