For Construction, a Best Management Practice (BMP), is a method used to prevent or control stormwater runoff and the discharge of pollutants, including sediment, into local waterbodies; Silt fences, inlet protection, and site-stabilization techniques are typical.
Regarding BMPs for stormwater management, the terms “structural” and “non-structural” refer to different approaches for managing stormwater runoff.
Structural BMPs involve the use of physical infrastructure and engineered systems to control and treat stormwater. These measures typically include such things as silt fence, inlet protection, concrete washouts, and paint washouts. Additionally, construction of facilities such as detention ponds, retention basins, and permeable pavement are also used. Structural BMPs are designed to capture, store, and treat stormwater runoff before it is discharged into natural or local water bodies. They provide visible and measurable stormwater management functions and are often required by regulations and guidelines.
Non-structural BMPs, on the other hand, focus on managing stormwater through planning, design, and operational practices that do not rely on physical structures. Non-structural BMPs aim to minimize stormwater runoff through various concepts and processes. A good example is performing training to construction workers on the importance of stormwater management.
While structural BMPs provide more immediate and direct stormwater management benefits, non-structural BMPs offer long-term, sustainable solutions that integrate stormwater management into the broader context of overall environmental protection.
Both approaches are important and often used together in comprehensive stormwater management programs to address runoff quantity and quality issues. Implementation of specific BMPs depends on site conditions, regulatory requirements, project goals, and available resources.
KCI is a well-respected and professional organization in the Environmental industry, requiring all employees to uphold the highest standards in meeting the rigorous training, certification, scope of work, and quality of a stormwater inspector. KCI has invested time and resources into building our expertise to ensure our clients receive the greatest of care and service. Call us today, 888-346-7779.