Assess Current Conditions

Assessing a potential construction site is an important part of the start of a construction project. Before beginning any construction work, it is important to have knowledge of the specific site conditions and review the adjacent areas to the planned construction site.

Collecting key information about the site can help in the planning, design, and preparation to perform a successful project. Once this is accomplished, it provides clarity to the project layout that will efficiently support the set of construction plans to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness. It will also provide clarity to areas requiring effective stormwater management associated to any specific environmentally sensitive areas. 

Some sensitive areas may include vegetation, trees, stream buffers, wetlands, highly erodible soils, and steep slopes. These areas may require a construction project to ensure protection from disturbance. For instance, a construction project must ensure they do not damage or disrupt areas such as waterways or wetlands. Conducting construction activity near waterbodies and particularly wetlands without the proper permit can result in significant penalties. 

Construction near environmentally sensitive locations require proactive steps to identify the right Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that these areas remain protected and undisturbed. Some highly effective, yet common BMPs are turbidity curtains, silt fence and vegetative buffers. Prior to construction, silt fence should be installed upslope of any waterbodies or adjacent to any drainage ways leading to the waterway. 

Florida is home to an abundance of waterbodies that are crucial to the state’s diverse ecosystems. With more than 8,000 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, as well as 1,700 rivers, streams, and springs, Florida’s waterways are teeming with life. These habitats support over 250 species of freshwater fish, making them invaluable natural resources that must be protected. 

 It is imperative to keep these habitats protected from sources of pollution, such as erosion and sediment. KCI understands how hard it is to focus on the business yet also need to ensure you are doing the right efforts to support the environment. Consult KCI by engaging one of our expert stormwater consultants and inspectors who can assess your current requirements and provide helpful tips that specifically fit the needs of your site.   Give us a call at (888) 346-7779. 

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