You are the Power

Reducing and managing stormwater runoff pollution is a critical issue in protecting our waterbodies. Both in the construction and industrial industries, it takes people power to enforce and control the plan, process, and performance of managing stormwater runoff. 

Pollutants, such as sediment and other possible contaminants, can be carried by stormwater runoff towards local water bodies.  Managing this requires important Best Management Practices (BMPs) be put in place to help intercept and control the runoff water. It should be a top priority to help control accelerated stormwater pollutants during heavy storms and rain events.  

By implementing BMPs, companies can reduce the number of pollutants in their stormwater runoff and minimize the impact on the environment. Industrial clients require dedicated individuals to consistently and properly monitor, document, and report compliance results on a timely basis. Expertise, time, and knowledge are the critical success factors in performing these critical tasks. It is increasingly becoming advantageous for industrial clients to outsource and hire professional stormwater management inspectors and consultants.  

Based on our extensive experience performing inspections, we regularly find a variety of structural BMPs that continuously need attention and general maintenance. KCI is a huge proponent and strongly encourages construction sites and industrial facilities to implement non-structural type BMPs like on-going training and education. Training and education are especially important steps in time and labor at managing stormwater runoff pollutants. 

We forget at times the importance of trained, knowledgeable, and qualified individuals who are needed to implement, install, and manage the many structural and non-structural BMPs required to cope with managing stormwater runoff pollutants. It takes individuals who can innovate, create, and physically implement, manage, and maintain these BMPs. It also takes individuals who have a passion for the environment and care for our future. 

Let us all salute the many individuals who get up every day and focus their attention on ensuring a safer, healthier, and cleaner environment. KCI has highly trained field consultants who are ready to perform regular inspections and consult you from experience allowing you to maintain regulatory compliance. KCI can maximize site compliance and minimize your risk. Call us today at 888-346-7779

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