A Great Cup of Coffee

Did you know today is National Coffee Day?  Getting up early, preparing for the day, and pouring that first cup before sunrise is such a wonderful moment in time.  While drinking a great cup of coffee we reflect on the day before, think about our current agenda, and then leap forward to achieve another rewarding day!

So many of us may not realize what may be taking place during this moment of euphoria.  A cup of coffee’s aroma and flavor intensely intertwined will put many of us in a brief state of joy.  There are three things that are required to make a great cup of coffee. The bean, the roast, and the brew, blended in harmony, will produce a great result.

Just like a great cup of coffee, your stormwater compliance team must also blend in harmony specific objectives to help construction and industrial clients achieve maximum stormwater management results.  KCI orchestrates effectively the following three initiatives to help prevent and control stormwater runoff and the discharge of pollutants. 

  1. KCI consultants are experts at preparing your unique Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).  The SWPPP explains how you will control pollutants in stormwater runoff from your construction site or industrial facility.  It is a written document that identifies the potential sources of pollution for construction and industrial activities conducted at a site, including stormwater control practices the site operator will use to prevent pollutants from making their way into stormwater runoff.
  1. We can execute the filing process for a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to obtain either the Construction Generic Permit (CGP) or the Industrial Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP).   This is a functional requirement from the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to regulate point source discharge for construction activity and industrial facilities. Operators are required to obtain an NPDES permit before they can discharge water. The NOI serves as the operators notice that discharge meets all the eligible conditions specified in the permit and SWPPP.  Large and small construction activities and large common plan of developments must submit and complete the NOI form for coverage under the Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge.   There are different types of industrial facilities and activities that qualifies and will require a NOI form to be submitted to the Department before use of the MSGP for Stormwater Discharge.

3. We perform accurate and timely inspections to assist with maintaining your best management practices (BMP) ensuring compliance with the permit requirements.  BMPs make good sense, whether you are required to obtain an NPDES permit or not. BMPs are structural and non-structural.  Examples of structural BMP’s are silt fence or inlet protection.  Non-structural BMPs are your SWPPP plan and education programs.  Stormwater compliance inspections are required on construction job sites in Florida every 7 days and 24 hours after a continuous 0.5″ of rainfall without a 4 hour break. These inspections must identify areas that need to be maintained or altered to ensure compliance to the permit.  Industrial inspections are required quarterly and once annually by the Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP).

At KCI, a great day starts with a great cup of coffee, and a commitment and focus on serving our clients.  Our team always delivers on the client’s needs helping them maximize permit coverage and precision for stormwater compliance.  We are a synchronized stormwater compliance team ready to perform great work – Build your SWPPP, file your NOI, and perform Inspections, all blended in harmony.

 Like us on social media or post a comment about this Blog on our website for a chance to win a cup of coffee on us!  Call us today and try us out.  888-346-7779.  Image by rahulsankraft from Pixabay 

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