Stormwater run-off picks up pollutants and contaminants once it falls to the ground, runs across impervious surfaces, and then eventually flows down the drain.
Industrial facilities and construction sites must take aim at ensuring hazardous liquids and chemicals are safely maintained and always contained. It is a requirement, based on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) stormwater permits for construction and industrial businesses should perform preventive action to avoid hazardous chemical spills that can possibly become exposed to stormwater.
Taking precautionary action and building proper plans in case an accidental spill happens should be a top priority. Businesses can create a spill response plan and train staff who can effectively and properly implement upon an emergency. There are also many subcontractors, professional experts, and alternative services that can be on standby and ready to help handle extremely large potential spills in times of need.
Why should we care? Commercial, construction, and industrial spills can happen and can affect everyone if they enter the stormwater draining system. The majority of Florida’s stormwater draining system flows to lakes, rivers, streams and potentially to our oceans. Most people may not realize that Florida’s water supply comes from many of our rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, springs, aquifers, and estuaries across the state.
An industrial facility should prevent hazardous substance spills entering a local stormwater discharge in accordance with the applicable stormwater pollution prevention plan originally developed for the facility. An effective stormwater pollution prevention plan, or SWPPP, will identify all potential sources of pollution, including sensitive areas where chemicals or hazardous materials or substances may be located. The goal of the SWPPP is to affirm anticipated areas of concern that may affect the quality of stormwater discharges. The plan will specifically describe areas that may require proper implementation of best management practices to be executed and managed to minimize pollutants.
The industrial Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP) has a plethora of documented procedural and regulation rules to help manage and handle hazardous substances. To learn more, please visit the FDEP industrial (MSGP) page for details.
KCI is an expert with extensive experience in developing an industrial SWPPP. Specifically, KCI can identify areas of major concern that could result in a disastrous hazardous spill and help you place the right safety measures in place to eliminate the threat. Call us today at 888-346-7779.