World Reef Awareness Day is recognized on the 1st of June. This is a day for us to recognize the importance and significance of our beautiful and precious coral reefs. Our coral reefs are a very delicate and fragile ecosystem in our oceans. How we can make a more positive impact on the health of our coral reefs?
Coral reefs are slowly diminishing due to harmful activities. Today, we estimate that approximately 25% of the world’s coral reefs have diminished or died. It is also estimated that coral reefs have declined by half since the 1950s. This creates a tremendous challenge for sea life that is dependent on coral reefs for their habitat to survive. Coral reefs are a source of food and shelter for the survival of many marine species. Mentioned in our blog last week, coral reefs include many unique and recently discovered chemicals that can dramatically advance biomedical research. It is all of our responsibility, in some small way, to reflect and connect on ways we can protect the delicate ecosystem of our ocean’s coral reefs and prevent further reef loss.
Our state’s economic expansion limits coral reefs growth due to aggressive earthmoving, industrial production, and our sheer nature to expand. We are continuing to see our population and development move towards our coastal areas creating an increase of sedimentation, erosion, toxins, pathogens, and other harmful nutrients closer to the oceans.

While land development and industrial expansion are extremely important, there are many initiatives we can personally execute to help minimize the risk of losing our coral reefs. Regardless of where you live, inland or near the coast, we can all do our part , even in some small way, to help protect our coral reefs. Stated from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, there are some simple changes we can perform that can make a difference. Here are several that can make a huge impact on the health of our coral reefs.
- Recycle and dispose of trash properly. Remember the three R’s, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Minimize use of fertilizers. When the ingredients of fertilizer end up in our waterways, it can dramatically hinder our water quality, and harmful chemicals can eventually reach our coral reefs.
- Reduce stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff picks up pollutants like trash, chemicals, oils, and dirt/sediment that can harm our rivers, streams and lakes.

Coral reef ecosystems are severely threatened today. Threats are caused by many factors such as water pollution, sedimentation, plastics, and many chemicals. We all understand that climate change raising ocean temperatures and the greenhouse emissions cause a huge danger to our oceans. Many threats can stress coral reefs, leading to coral bleaching and possible coral death, while others cause physical damage to these delicate ecosystems.
Specifically, for the construction and industrial organizations we serve, it is important to implement and maintain effective stormwater pollution prevention best management practices (BMPs). BMPs are specific structural or non-structural practices to control stormwater run-off from a construction site or industrial facility.
KCI is committed to helping our clients achieve their environmental goals. Let’s work together to protect our precious ecosystem so Florida’s beautiful coral reefs stay alive for future generations. Call KCI today, 888-346-7779.