Post Construction Stormwater Erosion Controls

Implementing post construction stormwater controls is important to manage the impacts of stormwater runoff once a construction project is completed. The intention of such controls is put into place to reduce the volume and potentially improve water quality, ultimately protecting water resources and minimizing potential flooding and pollution.

A construction site upon completion of a project, can introduce specific stormwater erosion control methods that can be highly effective at managing and reducing the negative impacts on the environment.

Here are three excellent examples:

  1. Green infrastructure: The use of natural vegetation-based systems such as rain gardens, bioswales, and green roofs to absorb and filter stormwater.
  2. Permeable surfaces: Using porous surfaces such as gravel, permeable concrete, and pavers to allow stormwater to soak into the ground instead of running off.
  3. Permanent Detention and retention basins: Constructing manufactured basins to collect and store stormwater for gradual release.

Overall, the ideal stormwater control method is one that integrates multiple strategies of diverse types of erosion and sediment control, to achieve the best outcomes for water quality and a healthier ecosystem.

It is essential to consider the unique characteristics of the site and the surrounding landscape when designing a post construction stormwater control system. By taking a holistic approach and utilizing all available resources and strategies, construction sites can effectively manage stormwater runoff and protect our water resources.

KCI is a stormwater professional organization, with qualitied and certified consultants and inspectors. We focus on helping you maintain your respective NPDES permits and keeping you ready. Call us today on 888-346-7779.

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