Scope of a Stormwater Inspection

A stormwater compliance inspection can be considered a documented snapshot in time of the construction project from the planning phase to the final stabilization.  Each inspection can provide a story to the evolution of a construction project’s performance against minimizing erosion and sediment departing the boundaries of the construction site.  The primary mission of the Florida Construction Generic Permit (CGP) is to help construction sites eliminate pollution, such as contaminants, and especially sediment, from leaving the site.

A permitted construction site must be inspected at least once every seven calendar days and within 24 hours at the end of a storm event that is 0.50 inches or greater. A storm event is defined as 0.50 inches of continuous rainfall without a four-hour break in the CGP. Below are specific expectations to be performed for a quality site inspection to take place and should be performed by a trained and certified stormwater inspector.

  • Inspect all areas disturbed by construction activity.
  • Identify where stormwater typically flows and various points of discharge from site and describe conditions.
  • Materials that are exposed to precipitation.
  • Determine control measures are properly installed, operating as intended, need replaced, or repaired.
  • Identify where pollutants have accumulated and may enter stormwater.
  • Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site are properly designed and maintained.
  • Portions of the site where stabilization measures have been initiated.
  • Check for the evidence of, or the potential for spills, leaks, or other accumulations of pollutants
  • Any incidents of noncompliance observed, and corrective actions taken.
  • Check for the presence of accumulated sediment near the project area boundary that has a potential for being washed, or has already occurred, outside of the project boundary.
  • Identify any locations where new or modified control measures are necessary to meet the requirements of the CGP.
  • Identify and document conditions triggering the need for corrective action.
  • Make sure inspection forms meet all permit requirements.

KCI, is a well-respected and professional organization in the environmental industry, requiring all employees to uphold the highest standards in meeting the rigorous training, certification, scope of work to effectively perform precision stormwater inspections. KCI has invested resources into building our expertise ensuring our clients receive the greatest of care and service.  Call us today at 888-346-7779.

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