Be Empowered by BMPs

There are a variety of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be implemented to help maintain compliance and regulatory requirements. BMPs can be characterized into two types, either structural or non-Structural. What is the difference? Structural BMPs focus on preventing pollutants in stormwater runoff from leaving site boundaries. All types of structural BMPs require regular inspection and maintenance. Then there are Nonstructural BMPs. These are BMPs that focus on such things as maintenance scheduling and education.

Based on our extensive experience performing inspections, we regularly find a variety of structural BMPs that continuously are needing attention and general maintenance. KCI is a huge proponent and strongly encourages construction operators to implement non-structural type BMPs like on-going training.  Training and education are especially important steps in managing runoff and reducing time and labor in maintaining structural BMPs. Training and educating your construction teams and trade workers can make a dramatic difference in cost, time, and overall productivity. Based on our experience, we have determined five specific concerns that arise most often.

  • Minimal care for concrete, paint, stucco, and other liquid waste wash-out containment.
  • Silt fence damaged due to being disturbed or altered by equipment and/or materials.
  • Inlet protection with sediment buildup or damage from equipment.
  • Non-functioning Concrete Washouts.
  • Non-functioning Waste Management.

Many of these issues can just be avoided by empowering a worker to focus on general housekeeping and stay encouraged to respect the importance of stormwater management BMP efficiency on the construction site. is always here to assist you in better understanding the importance and critical need for an effective stormwater management program. Additionally, we can consult with you and help you increase your workers attention to some of the most critical yet consistent concerns regarding BMP stormwater management applications.  KCI is your expert at educating teams for maximum stormwater management effectiveness. Call us today at 888-346-7779.

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