Does a Stormwater Consultant require a Certification?

Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration and the Florida Water Quality Restoration Program implements the Florida Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector (FSESCI) Qualification Program.

The FSESCI certification provides a vehicle for individuals to become a qualified erosion and sediment control inspector and consultant. This certification educates a person in the skills to fully understand the many Best Management Practices (BMPs) that potentially should be deployed and implemented to help control erosion and sedimentation on a construction site.

The certification program additionally provides a person with the right education on how BMPs are installed and how to appropriately consult with construction site operators on corrective actions to effectively maintain BMPs functional benefit. A certified stormwater compliance inspector is an expert at stormwater, erosion, and sedimentation control, and understands properly how to select, install, and maintain BMPs.

As environmental regulations become increasingly stringent, the role of a Certified Stormwater Inspector has become crucial in safeguarding our natural resources. At KCI, we take pride in the fact that all our field consultants and inspectors are required to participate in the FSESCI type 1 and 2 courses and receive certification.

This certification demonstrates our commitment to upholding the highest standards of stormwater management and environmental protection. Our Certified Stormwater Inspectors are trained to identify potential issues, recommend corrective actions, and ensure that our clients remain in full compliance with all applicable regulations.

There is a learning curve to become proficient and to eventually be considered an expert at performing stormwater compliance inspections. To do it properly it takes certification, training, experience, and time.  Many construction sites are unique and diverse with many activities taking place causing large land-disturbances happening simultaneously.  This can often make inspections challenging and sometimes quite confusing.

A permitted construction site must be inspected at least once every seven calendar days and within 24 hours at the end of a storm event as defined in the FCGP that is 0.50 inches or greater. A detailed site inspection imust be performed by a trained and certified stormwater inspector. Addtionally, an inspector must perform quality reporting and documentation. To accurately codify the inspections, it is critically important to fully understand the Florida Construction Generic Permit (CGP) rules and regulations.

Beyond the inspection, we are skilled in consulting with clients on the design of site-specific best management practices, maintenance plans, and staff training. KCI has fantastic, talented, hardworking, and amazing people! Call KCI if you need a professional stormwater inspector. Contact us today on 888-346-7779.

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