Collecting and Monitoring Industrial Stormwater

Stormwater can accumulate pollutants from outside industrial facility work activities. These pollutants can travel across impervious surfaces and then potentially enter local water bodies through a designated outfall. As a result, the facility may need to perform sampling of stormwater discharges. The result of sampling helps identify specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) that should be adequately implemented to reduce and hopefully eliminate stormwater pollution departing the industrial site.  

Collecting and monitoring stormwater discharge is a valuable process for several reasons. Stormwater sampling provides the ability to evaluate environmental risks by identifying any pollutants present. Once stormwater discharge is evaluated, the specific data can help contribute to water quality influences or water quality standard violations. Once stormwater is evaluated and the data identifies possible sources of pollutants, then the sources of pollutants can be either removed or adequately controlled within permitted limits.  

There are three types of water sampling processes defined within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program, for industrial facilities. The FDEP manages industrial stormwater compliance by the Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP). There are twenty-nine industrial sectors regulated by the MSGP. All sectors of the MSGP, except for a few, require quarterly visual monitoring (QVM) of stormwater discharges. 

Many sectors of the MSGP require quarterly analytical monitoring in years two and four of the five-year permit cycle. This monitoring process is referred to as “Analytical Monitoring” and is defined by the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) that stipulates the process for submitting benchmark monitoring data to the FDEP. 

Some unique industrial sectors of the MSGP impose numeric effluent limitations and will require additional compliance monitoring reports. Analytical compliance monitoring results should be submitted to the FDEP as well. 

The various water sampling processes were designed to assist industrial facility operators in planning for and fulfilling the NPDES stormwater discharge sampling requirements. Stormwater sampling is sometimes difficult due to the unpredictability of storm events and the variable nature of stormwater discharges.  

KCI is an expert in industrial stormwater management. KCI has deep experience in dealing with complexities defined above related to the MSGP documentation and regulatory compliance processes. We can implement a solid program helping you administer, manage, and prepare for sampling. Call us on 888-346-7779 today, to learn more. 

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