One of the most obvious non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) is to simply ensure a regular schedule of maintenance is followed. This can include a sweeping schedule to keep roads clean, regular trash and debris collection, solid waste collection, a water truck visit to keep wind erosion down during dry spells and cleaning out inlet baskets. This can even include the weekly and after storm event visits from your stormwater inspection professional!
Construction site operators should allocate adequate time and resources for BMP maintenance and repair. It is important for the inspectors and people who will regularly maintain BMPs to understand the design and implementation process first. This will assist workers in knowing when various BMPs require maintenance or possibly replacement.
In certain cases, it may become apparent that some BMP designs may not perform adequately in controlling erosion and sedimentation. A KCI qualified inspector will be able to identify these weaknesses and will provide documentation and recommendations for necessary improvements that may need to be performed.
When maintenance of BMPs is made a priority, inspections can be more efficiently performed, managed, maintained, along with compliance reporting becoming more concise. A solid maintenance program and schedule will always ensure that BMPs function properly and help prevent pollution discharges. KCI is available to help. We are expert stormwater consultants and inspectors for your erosion control BMPs, maintenance, and compliance reporting needs. We can ensure your construction site remains in compliant at all times! Contact us today or give us a call at 888.346.7779.