Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices
What is porous pavement? It is a pervious surface designed and created to replace traditional paved areas we find utilized through-out the constructi
What is porous pavement? It is a pervious surface designed and created to replace traditional paved areas we find utilized through-out the constructi
Construction sites can be classified into several types. The most common construction taking place in Florida are sites with physical structures
Soil exposed to stormwater runoff on a construction site can cause erosion and sedimentation polluting lakes, rivers, and other water bodies.
As the construction site becomes more impacted with less vegetation and more structural impervious surfaces are in place, the stormwater runoff veloc
NPDES stands for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. NPDES was created in 1972 as an amendment to the Clean Water Act. It states that th
KCI has an informative and active storm and rain watch initiative that allows every employee to be on point and alert to daily rain activity. Thi
Construction site operators who are requiring coverage under the Florida Construction Generic Permit (CGP) must apply for permit at least 2 days befo
Any well-fortified area starts with a sound and solid perimeter. We all have learned that fortified means strengthened or protected. Think about an
During industrial activities, stormwater can contact manufacturing materials, equipment, and chemicals. Pollutants like oil and grease, metals, pai
Population growth and economic development is still on the rise! The US census data shows over 2.7 million people relocated to Florida over the
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